Cancun Christian Fellowship

Cancun Christian Fellowship
Financial donations are always needed and welcomed. For financial donations our PayPal address is: - If you desire to donate by check, please email or . We will be happy to furnish deposit instructions through Carpe Diem Yucatan SA de CV, our corporate parent.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

7/26/2012 Cancun Christian Fellowship Newsletter

Cancun Christian Fellowship
Your Community of Faith in Cancun
713 529 8078 Cancun - Riviera Maya 998 121 1316
Misiones Cristianas y Servicios de la Iglesia en Inglés
Bienhechor de Orfanato Casa Hogar para Niños Esperanza

Our Mission: We are servants of God by serving others. We share a responsibility to bring God's love to hurting people. We are a Christian Mission Outreach dedicated to showing people, through our teaching, actions and love, the life changing power of Jesus Christ.


People ask me why it's so hard to trust people, and I ask them why is it so hard to keep a promise.

If you are considering a commodity contribution to Casa Hogar para Ninos Esperanza, here are items that are currently needed:
1. Children’s summer clothes and shoes (any size-any gender)
2. Clothes specifically for young ladies ages 6-11
3. Games and crafts in Spanish

I've learned that it takes years to build up trust, and it only takes suspicion, not proof, to destroy it.

If you are in the Riviera Maya and have clothing or commodity contributions for our children, please contact Cherilyn Martin … all items must be sorted and sized before Wednesday delivery. Please strive to make sure all items offered are clean and serviceable.

Trust is like a mirror … once it’s broken you can never look at it the same again.

We have been blessed with gifts to benefit our children at Casa Hogar para Ninos Esperanza. We are always grateful for the assistance we receive from our worldwide mission partners. Recent gifts include:
Teresa Weatherly, Gold Star Mission Partner, TX: Children’s Food Fund
CoFC Member, QR: Children’s Food Fund
CoFC Member, QR: Children’s Food Fund
CoFC Member, QR: Children’s Food fund

Never trust someone who lies to you and never lie to someone who trusts you.

With the financial help of our worldwide Mission Partners, John and Tom were able to provide chicken, molida especial, pork, salchicha, eggs, and crema to our Cancun Christian home. With your financial assistance, Community of Faith Cancun purchases and delivers groceries to our Christian home every Wednesday.

Trust enables you to put your deepest feelings and fears in the palm of your partner's hand, knowing they will be handled with care.

This Sunday will mark the 5 month anniversary of our new location. We think you will all agree that it is the most beautiful location we have had in many years and is a great location for our family to worship.

You should trust people by their actions, not their words. A person might have a heart of gold, but then again so does an egg.

August 5th, 2012 has been confirmed as the date for our summer Pizza Luncheon? We hope to see you at California Kitchen Pizza, 12:30 PM on the 5th.

That was how dishonesty and betrayal started, not in big lies but in small secrets.

One of our church family members needs blood and we are looking for donors. If you would like to donate blood, please contact Cherilyn Martin. All donors will be greatly appreciated and it does not matter what your blood type is.

With trust comes a lot but when it leaves, it takes much more with it.

Juliette will be in charge of the Children’s Bible Study again this week and Cherilyn and Kathryn will be taking the first week in August. Ladies, the help is greatly appreciated.

It's not about who is real to your face, it's about who stays real behind your back.

This week’s pre-church fishing video will feature Flip Pallot, host of the Walker’s Cay Chronicles. Join Flip fly fishing in the Everglades. As always, there is enough fishing action to please even the diehard angler. Join us at 9:25 AM, relax and enjoy the show.

Trust is like glass. Once it is broken it cannot be repaired, only replaced.

The boat, donated to our church and to be sold to benefit Casa Hogar, is really coming together and looking good. New floors and seats are being installed this week. If you are looking for a solid water craft for inshore and light offshore fishing, please contact Tom for additional details.

Trust, like fine china, once broken can be repaired, but it is never quite the same.

Laurie Lipp offers a Children’s Bible Study Class each Sunday for children ten and under. The class is held in the showroom at the front of Plaza Tokal (our fabulous new church facility). For additional details, please contact Laurie before or after the service. She will be excited to talk to you.

Trust is like a piece of paper, once it’s crumpled, it can't be perfect like the way it used to be.

We are currently seeking someone to lead our Wednesday Men’s Group. Please contact Tom Martin at / 998-121-1316 for additional information.

Trust is a measure of the distance we are willing to travel to keep our promises.

A Wednesday Morning and a Thursday Evening Christian Women’s Study Group is also offered by Cancun Christian Fellowship. The Wednesday Group meets at the Malecon Americas Starbucks at 10:00 AM and the Thursday Evening Business Ladies Group meets at the Malecon Americas California Kitchen Pizza at 6:30 PM. For more information please contact Cherilyn Martin. 998-121-1315 / 

Remember, Cancun Christian Fellowship always meets at 10:00 AM SHARP.


Today’s quotes from:

Sunday Service and Mission Outreach: Cherilyn and Tom Martin
Music Ministry: Katherine Phillips
Children’s Ministry: Laurie Lipp
Usher: Henry Shirk

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Cancun Christian Fellowship 7/18/2012 Newsletter

Cancun Christian Fellowship
Your Community of Faith in Cancun
713 529 8078 Cancun - Riviera Maya 998 121 1316
Misiones Cristianas y Servicios de la Iglesia en Inglés
Bienhechor de Orfanato Casa Hogar para Niños Esperanza

Our Mission:  We are servants of God by serving others.  We share a responsibility to bring God's love to hurting people.  We are a Christian Mission Outreach dedicated to showing people, through our teaching, actions and love, the life changing power of Jesus Christ.


A real Christian is a person who can give his pet parrot to the town gossip. Billy Graham

If you are considering a commodity contribution to Casa Hogar para Ninos Esperanza, here are items that are currently needed:
1. Children’s summer clothes and shoes (any size-any gender)
2. Clothes specifically for young ladies ages 6-11
3. Games and crafts in Spanish

Ah, well, the truth is always one thing, but in a way it's the other thing, the gossip, that counts. It shows where people's hearts lie. Paul Scott

If you are in the Riviera Maya and have clothing or commodity contributions for our children, please contact Cherilyn Martin … all items must be sorted and sized before Wednesday delivery. Please strive to make sure all items offered are clean and serviceable.

Be impeccable with your word. Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid using the word to speak against yourself or to gossip about others. Use the power of your word in the direction of truth and love. Miguel Angel Ruiz

We have been blessed with gifts to benefit our children at Casa Hogar para Ninos Esperanza. We are always grateful for the assistance we receive from our worldwide mission partners. Recent gifts include:
Wayne, Ruth and David, Gold Star Mission Partners, KS: Children’s Food Fund
CoFC Member, QR: Children’s Food Fund
CoFC Member, QR: Children’s Food Fund

Fire and swords are slow engines of destruction, compared to the tongue of a Gossip. Richard Steele

With the financial help of our worldwide Mission Partners, Henry and Tom were able to provide chicken, molida especial, pork, salchicha, chorizo and sliced ham lunchmeat to our Cancun Christian home. With your financial assistance, Community of Faith Cancun purchases and delivers groceries to our Christian home every Wednesday.

Gossip is nature's telephone. Sholom Aleichem

We have been in contact with our benefactor that is supplying the funds for the bathroom renovation at Casa Hogar para Ninos Esperanza and everything seem to be on schedule for a July start time. Remember, we continue to raise funds for the 4th and final bathroom at the home. If it is in your heart and in your budget, we could use the financial help.

The only time people dislike gossip is when you gossip about them. Will Rogers

How does August 5th, 2012 sound for the Pizza Luncheon? We have looked at summer travel schedules of our group and feel that is the best date for most people. Please put August 5th on our calendar and join your family for lunch and fellowship. More details will follow.

Gossip needn't be false to be evil - there's a lot of truth that shouldn't be passed around. Frank Howard Clark

We have learned that George and Jean will be returning to our church family this month. If we are lucky, they will be here long enough to join us on Pizza Sunday. Please join us in welcoming them home.

I'm not really sure what people's preconceived notions are. I don't look at the gossip websites - it's unhealthy and I think it's a large part of what drives people ...... crazy.   Mischa Barton

Juliette will be filling in for Laurie over the next two weeks. You know your children will be in good hands when Juliette is leading the Children’s Bible Study. Nancy just completed two weeks with the children, did a wonderful job and set the bar high for Juliette.

It is the gossip columnist's business to write about what is none of his business. Louis Kronenberger

This week’s pre-church fishing video will feature Flip Pallot, host of the Walker’s Cay Chronicles. Join Flip fly fishing in The Dry Tortugas. As always, there is enough fishing action to please even the diehard angler. Join us at 9:25 AM, relax and enjoy the show.

Gossip is what no one claims to like, but everybody enjoys. Joseph Conrad

One of our CoFC members donated a fishing boat for resale to help raise money for Casa Hogar. The boat is currently in the shop for fresh bottom paint and complete cleaning. If you are looking for a solid water craft for inshore and light offshore fishing, please contact Tom for additional details.

Gossip is the art of saying nothing in a way that leaves practically nothing unsaid. Walter Winchell

Laurie Lipp offers a Children’s Bible Study Class each Sunday for children ten and under. The class is held in the showroom at the front of Plaza Tokal (our fabulous new church facility). For additional details, please contact Laurie before or after the service. She will be excited to talk to you.

It is just as cowardly to judge an absent person as it is wicked to strike a defenseless one. Only the ignorant and narrow-minded gossip, for they speak of persons instead of things. Lawrence G. Lovasik

We are currently seeking someone to lead our Wednesday Men’s Group. Please contact Tom Martin at / 998-121-1316 for additional information.

Gossip is when you hear something you like about someone you don't. Earl Wilson

A Wednesday Morning and a Thursday Evening Christian Women’s Study Group is also offered by Cancun Christian Fellowship. The Wednesday Group meets at the Malecon Americas Starbucks at 10:00 AM and the Thursday Evening Business Ladies Group meets at the Malecon Americas California Kitchen Pizza at 6:30 PM. For more information please contact Cherilyn Martin. 998-121-1315 /  

Remember, Cancun Christian Fellowship always meets at 10:00 AM SHARP.


Today’s quotes from:

Sunday Service and Mission Outreach: Cherilyn and Tom Martin
Music Ministry: Katherine Phillips
Children’s Ministry: Laurie Lipp
Usher: Henry Shirk

Monday, July 16, 2012

7/11/2012 Cancun Christian Fellowship Newsleter

Our Mission: We are servants of God by serving others. We share a responsibility to bring God's love to hurting people. We are a Christian Mission Outreach dedicated to showing people, through our teaching, actions and love, the life changing power of Jesus Christ.


There is so much good in the worst of us,
And so much bad in the best of us,
That it hardly becomes any of us
To talk about the rest of us.
~Edward Wallis Hoch

If you are considering a commodity contribution to Casa Hogar para Ninos Esperanza, here are items that are currently needed:
1. Children’s summer clothes and shoes (any size-any gender)
2. Clothes specifically for young ladies ages 6-11
3. Games and crafts in Spanish

What you don't see with your eyes, don't witness with your mouth. ~Jewish Proverb

If you are in the Riviera Maya and have clothing or commodity contributions for our children, please contact Cherilyn Martin … all items must be sorted and sized before Wednesday delivery. Please strive to make sure all items offered are clean and serviceable.

Gossip is saying behind their back what you would not say to their face. Flattery is saying to their face what you would not say behind their back. ~Author Unknown

We have been blessed with gifts to benefit our children at Casa Hogar para Ninos Esperanza. We are always grateful for the assistance we receive from our worldwide mission partners. Recent gifts include:
CoFC Mission Partner, QR: Table and seating for 14 for our beautiful children
CoFC Member, QR: Children’s Food Fund
CoFC Member, QR: Children’s Food Fund
CoFC Member, QR: Children’s Food Fund

If you reveal your secrets to the wind, you should not blame the wind for revealing them to the trees. ~Kahlil Gibran

With the financial help of our worldwide Mission Partners, volunteers from Cancun Christian Fellowship were able to provide eggs, cheese, chicken, molida especial, pork, salchicha, sliced ham and a cake (a special treat for our children) to our Cancun Christian home. With your financial assistance, groceries are purchased and delivered every Wednesday by members of our church.

The easiest way to keep a secret is without help. ~Author Unknown

We are still on schedule to begin the total renovation of the 3rd of 4 community restrooms at Casa Hogar. We had a conversation with Pastor Mancilla and Esther today and, the GOOD LORD willing, we will be finished by the first week in August

Whoever gossips to you will gossip about you. ~Spanish Proverb

Speaking of August, around the home fires we have been discussing the upcoming CoFC and Mission Partner “Pizza Luncheon” scheduled for August. We realize that August is good for some and not so good for others but no month is perfect for everybody. So, with that said, we are still on for sometime in August. More details will follow.

Trying to squash a rumor is like trying to unring a bell. ~Shana Alexander

Last week we reported that Diana, Nancy, Cherilyn and Kathryn were graciously filling in for Laurie during her absence. All the above is true but Juliette’s name was accidently omitted and how can anyone forget Juliette? (sorry Juliette) Several of the ladies in our church have stepped up when help was needed and your assistance is absolutely appreciated. Family helps family in times of need!

A rumor without a leg to stand on will get around some other way. ~John Tudor

We continue to be blessed with guests attending our Sunday Service. Last week, we had 5 guests that joined us for Sunday worship. It is always great to have travelers and well as new locals visit.

Gossip is just news running ahead of itself in a red satin dress. ~Liz Smith

This week’s pre-church fishing video will feature Flip Pallot, host of the Walker’s Cay Chronicles. Join Flip fly fishing in The Dry Tortugas. As always, there is enough fishing action to please even the diehard angler. Join us at 9:25 AM, relax and enjoy the show.

It isn't what they say about you, it's what they whisper. ~Errol Flynn

Many of you have written telling us how much you enjoyed last week’s tribute to Andy Griffith. As previously stated, Andy was someone you invited into your home and he never embarrassed you. We will miss him.

Three may keep a secret, if two of them are dead. ~Benjamin Franklin

Laurie Lipp offers a Children’s Bible Study Class each Sunday for children ten and under. The class is held in the showroom at the front of Plaza Tokal (our fabulous new church facility). For additional details, please contact Laurie before or after the service. She will be excited to talk to you.

We are currently seeking someone to lead our Wednesday Men’s Group. Please contact Tom Martin at / 998-121-1316 for additional information.

A Wednesday Morning and a Thursday Evening Christian Women’s Study Group is also offered by Cancun Christian Fellowship. The Wednesday Group meets at the Malecon Americas Starbucks at 10:00 AM and the Thursday Evening Business Ladies Group meets at the Malecon Americas California Kitchen Pizza at 6:30 PM. For more information please contact Cherilyn Martin. 998-121-1315 /

Remember, Community of Faith Cancun always meets at 10:00 AM SHARP.


Today’s quotes from:

Community of Faith Cancun
“The English Speaking Church in Cancun
Sunday Service & Mission Outreach: Cherilyn and Tom Martin
Music Ministry: Katherine Phillips
Children’s Ministry: Laurie Lipp
Usher: Henry Shirk

Cancun Christian Fellowship 7/4/2012 Newsletter

Cancun Christian Fellowship
Your Community of Faith in Cancun
713 529 8078 Cancun - Riviera Maya 998 121 1316
Misiones Cristianas y Servicios de la Iglesia en Inglés
Bienhechor de Orfanato Casa Hogar para Niños Esperanza

Our Mission: We are servants of God by serving others. We share a responsibility to bring God's love to hurting people. We are a Christian Mission Outreach dedicated to showing people, through our teaching, actions and love, the life changing power of Jesus Christ.


"Though negotiations are a rough game, you should never allow them to become a dirty game. Once you've agreed to a deal, don't back out of it unless the other party fails to deliver as promised. Your handshake is your bond. As far as I'm concerned, a handshake is worth more than a signed contract. As an entrepreneur, a reputation for integrity is your most valuable commodity. If you try to put something over on someone, it will come back to haunt you." Victor Kiam

If you are considering a commodity contribution to Casa Hogar para Ninos Esperanza, here are items that are currently needed:
1. Children’s summer clothes and shoes (any size-any gender)
2. Clothes specifically for young ladies ages 6-11
3. Games and crafts in Spanish

"Always do right. This will gratify some people and astonish the rest." Mark Twain

If you are in the Riviera Maya and have clothing or commodity contributions for our children, please contact Cherilyn Martin … all items must be sorted and sized before Wednesday delivery. Please strive to make sure all items offered are clean and serviceable.

"To be persuasive we must be believable; to be believable we must be credible; and to be credible we must be truthful." Edward R. Murrow

We have been blessed with gifts to benefit our children at Casa Hogar para Ninos Esperanza. We are always grateful for the assistance we receive from our worldwide mission partners. Recent gifts include:
CCF Member, QR: Item to sale with proceeds to benefit Casa Hogar
CCF Member, QR: Beautiful Clothes for Young Ladies
CCF Member, QR: Clothes, Games and Toys
CCF Member, QR: Clothes
CCF Member, QR: Orphanage Renovation Fund
CCF Member, QR: Children’s Food Fund
CCF Member, QR: Children’s Food Fund
CCF Member, QR: Children’s Food Fund
CCF Member, QR: Children’s Food Fund

"In looking for people to hire, you look for three qualities: integrity, intelligence, and energy. And if they don't have the first, the other two will kill you." Warren Buffet

With the financial help of our worldwide Mission Partners, over the past two weeks, volunteers from Cancun Christian Fellowship were able to provide eggs, cheese, chorizo, chicken, milk, crema, molida especial, pork, salchicha, sliced turkey and sliced ham to our Cancun Christian home. With your financial assistance, groceries are purchased and delivered every Wednesday.

"It takes less time to do a thing right than to explain why you did it wrong." Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

We are currently making plans to remodel the 3rd and 4th bathroom at Casa Hogar. We feel that funding for the next project will be in place by the end of this month and we are currently working on donations to complete the 4th and final project. If you desire to help with the project, please contact Tom Martin at . Your help will be appreciated.

"If you tell the truth you don't have to remember anything." Mark Twain

We are thinking CoFC and Mission Partner “Pizza Luncheon” and August looks like a doable time for all of us to get together. Previous luncheons have been a great success and a time when our Cancun Christian family can sit around the table and soak up the fellowship, and pizza. More details will follow.

"Not everything that counts can be counted and not everything that can be counted counts." Albert Einstein

Diana graciously filled in for Laurie last week and the Children’s Bible Study class was business as usual. Nancy will be taking the next two weeks and Cherilyn and Kathryn will take the final two weeks. Laurie did a fantastic job of preparing lessons for her helpers and all is going well. A special thanks goes out to all that are working with the children.

"A person who is fundamentally honest doesn't need a code of ethics. The Ten Commandments and the Sermon on the Mount are all the ethical code anybody needs." Harry S. Truman

We continue to be blessed with guests attending our Sunday Service. Last week, we had six guests that joined us for Sunday worship. It is always great to have travelers and well as new locals visit.

"We need to stress that personal integrity is as important as executive skill in business dealings....setting an example from the top has a ripple effect throughout… " Russell E. Palmer

This week’s pre-church fishing video will feature Flip Pallot, host of the Walker’s Cay Chronicles. Join Flip fly fishing for Dorado. As always, there is enough fishing action to please even the diehard angler. Join us at 9:25 AM, relax and enjoy the show.

"Integrity without knowledge is weak and useless, and knowledge without integrity is dangerous and dreadful." Samuel Johnson

Laurie Lipp offers a Children’s Bible Study Class each Sunday for children ten and under. The class is held in the showroom at the front of Plaza Tokal (our fabulous new church facility). For additional details, please contact Laurie before or after the service. She will be excited to talk to you.

"Your reputation and integrity are everything. Follow through on what you say you’re going to do. Your credibility can only be built over time, and it is built from the history of your words and actions." Maria Razumich-Zec

We are currently seeking someone to lead our Wednesday Men’s Group. Please contact Tom Martin at / 998-121-1316 for additional information.

"There are seven things that will destroy us: Wealth without work; Pleasure without conscience; Knowledge without character; Religion without sacrifice; Politics without principle; Science without humanity; Business without ethics." Mahatma Gandhi

A Wednesday Morning and a Thursday Evening Christian Women’s Study Group is also offered by Cancun Christian Fellowship. The Wednesday Group meets at the Malecon Americas Starbucks at 10:00 AM and the Thursday Evening Business Ladies Group meets at the Malecon Americas California Kitchen Pizza at 6:30 PM. For more information please contact Cherilyn Martin. 998-121-1315 / .

"Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power." Abraham Lincoln

Remember, Cancun Christian Fellowship always meets at 10:00 AM SHARP.


Today’s quotes from:

Sunday Service and Mission Outreach: Cherilyn and Tom Martin
Music Ministry: Katherine Phillips
Children’s Ministry: Laurie Lipp
Usher: Henry Shirk